Nature Club



College Nature Club was established in 2021, with a strong desire to promote environmental awareness among the Student Community and to generate the importance of Ecological Conservation. The club conducts various awareness and cleanliness activities on a regular basis.

Teacher Incharge: Ms. Karishma Naik



Wealth Out of Waste Competition

Wealth Out of Waste Competition

Wealth Out of Waste Competition    Wealth out of waste competition was held on 30th March 2024 for students of Ganpat Parsekar college of Education. The first prize was secured by Anisha Gad from F.Y BSc BEd.

Beach cleaning and Ajoba Temple cleaning at Querim

Beach cleaning and Ajoba Temple cleaning at Querim

Beach cleaning and Ajoba Temple cleaning at Querim    Nature club had organized Querim beach cleaning and Ajoba Temple Cleaning in collaboration with NCC Unit and Social responsibility committee on 27th February 2024. 10 students and staff of college...

Campus Cleaning

Campus Cleaning

Campus Cleaning    Campus cleaning was carried out twice in semester. Wherein students cleaned area and removed plastic from campus of Ganpat Parsekar College of Education.

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