World Tsunami Awareness Day Talk on 5th November 2023



A talk on World Tsunami Awareness Day was organized to commemorate World Tsunami Day by the department of Geography on 5th of November 2023 from 04.00 pm to 05:30 pm. The session was conducted on online platform through Google meet due to ongoing Diwali Vacation and it was open to all the students from Ganpat Parsekar College of Education, Harmal. The resource person for this session was Mr. Ramnath Gaonkar, Asst. Prof. in Geography at GPCOE who was heartily welcomed by Mr. Sachin Gaonkar (Head of the Department of Geography, GPCOE). The resource person highlighted the significance of World Tsunami Day and the need for global cooperation in reducing tsunami risks. The talk then transitioned into a series of informative sessions such as understanding Tsunami, Tsunami preparedness and early warning systems, community engagement and interactive session.

To end this session with concluding remarks in the form of Vote of thanks was given by Ms. Nikita Sawant faculty member of department of geography at Ganpat Parsekar College of Education.

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