Value Added Course on Principles of Organic Farming



Targeted group: Fo.Yr.B.A.B.Ed Geography Students

The value- Added course was organized for the students of Fo.Yr.B.A.B.Ed Geography in order to develop a keen interest in organic farming and know its various aspects. The course was conducted in collaboration with short Term certificate course committee, Department of Geography and Lila nursery that also includes the alumni interaction. There were Total 7 students who had registered in the course. The course was conducted in hybrid mode where in theory classes were taken in online/physical+ mode and practical in offline mode.

Students were taught about the various aspects of organic farming that includes the setting of vermi-composting bed and preparing compost peats, identifying the worms, preparing bio fertilizers etc. Mrs. Sampada Tari, Mr. Salil Tari and Ms. Nikita Sawant were the resource person for the course.

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