Student Discipline 


Student Discipline 

  1. All the Students are responsible to the College Principal for their general conduct, both inside and outside the College.
  2. Insubordination to any Teacher/Staff-member and other College authorities; and use of indecent language or conduct in the class/campus are sufficient reasons for the suspension or/and dismissal of the student.
  3. Every student should carry his/her Identity Card.
  4. Every student is expected to be punctual for his/her class and practical.
  5. Students cannot leave the classrooms before the teacher leaves the room.
  6. Students must not loiter in and around the College premises when classes/lectures/practicals/tutorials/tests/exams are in progress.
  7. Every student will use and handle the College property with due care and help in keeping the premises neat and tidy.
  8. Any damage caused to the College property is a breach of discipline and will be dealt with accordingly.
  9. STRICT BAN ON smoking, consuming liquor, drugs or intoxicants within and outside the College premises.
  10. No Student shall raise funds within or outside the College campus, without the prior permission of the Principal.
  11. No visitors/outsiders are allowed in the College to meet any student unless permitted by the College.
  12. Any extra and co-curricular activities conducted in the name of the College, either within the College premises or outside, will require prior permission of the Convener of Students’ Welfare Committee or/and of the principal.
  13. No Society, Association or Union shall be formed in the College by the students and no person shall be invited to address any meeting without obtaining prior permission of the Principal.
  14. Absence for any College test or examination must be justified in writing, immediately. In case of sickness/ illness students have to submit a Medical Certificate, to the College Principal, within three days.
  15. Students should strictly comply with the Guidelines of the laboratories and library.
  16. College follows strictly NO Ragging Campus. Ragging in any form inside or outside the College campus is banned. Students found indulging in ragging will be summarily expelled from the College by the Principal, as per directives received from the Directorate of Education, Govt. of Goa (No. DE/CC/MISC/265/95496/dated 21.04.1995) and college ANTI RAGGING POLICY.
  17. College regulations and notices are displayed from time to time, on the College Notice Board.
  18. Any breach of the above rules will be dealt with severely. If for any reason the continuance of a student is detrimental to the best interest of the College, the Principal can ask such a student to leave the
  19. Ragging in any form inside or outside the College campus is banned. Students found indulging In ragging will be summarily expelled from the College by the Principal, as per directives received from the Directorate of Education, Govt. of Goa (No. DE/CC/MISC/265/95496/dated 21.04.1995) and college ANTI RAGGING POLICY.
  20. The decision of the principal, in all matters of the College shall be final and binding on all the students.


  1. New Ordinance OA-17 relating to minimum attendance for eligibility to appear for Examinations conducted by and on behalf of Goa University.
  2. Day-to-day attendance for all lectures, practicals, tutorials, assignments, tests, etc. is compulsory as per the prevailing rules of Goa University.
  3. The Attendance shall be taken by the teacher for each lecture/tutorial/practical or any other component of teaching separately.
  4. A cumulative report of the attendance from the IAIMS portal for the month will be displayed at the end of each month, on the notice board.
  5. A student registered in a Semester/Term/Year, for any course (degree or diploma), shall be required to have a minimum cumulative attendance of 75% of the total lectures and practicals prescribed for the course during
    the semester/term/year. Although the attendance shall be cumulative for all the papers/courses taken together, in the given semester/term/year, a student shall be required to have a minimum of 50% attendance in any individual paper/course.
  6. A student, having less than 75% cumulative attendance in a semester/term/year and /or less than 50% attendance in individual paper/course shall not be eligible to appear for that semester/term/annual examination. A student should have 90% attendance in practicum.

  7. Such a student shall have to seek re-admission to the course/programme during the subsequent academic year /term/semester by paying requisite fees.
  8. However, such student shall not be treated as fresh applicant for admission if the re admission is in the same institution. Re admission to professional colleges for the first year of the course shall be as per the admission rule for these courses.
  9. A student representing the Institution/University/State/Country in extra
    curricular activities such as NCC/ NSS/Sports/Cultural event shall be
    treated as on duty at the lectures/practicals missed by him/her and shall be marked as “S” in the Attendance portal of IAIMS.
  10. Absence due to such activities should be supported by the documentary evidence issued by the appropriate authorities.
  11. Absence on medical grounds for more than four continuous working days is required to be supported with a Medical Certificate which should be submitted within seven days after rejoining the class. Absence on medical
    grounds shall be offset against the 25% concession in the attendance already granted. However, if such absence exceeds 25% and is found genuine, the student may request for the condonation of the same.
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