College started with NCC army unit in the year July 2019. College has a total strength of 52 Cadets, out of which 30 SW(Girls) and 22 SD(Boys). College has a trained NCC Officer (ANO) since 2019. Lt.Dr. Aniket Anant Kerkar commissioned officer from OTA Kampteelooking after NCC. College conducts various activities in NCC for the all round development of cadets such as cleanliness drive, tree plantation, personality development, communication skills, institutional training, etc. 8 of our college cadets has represented NCC directorate at various national camps such as Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat, trekking expedition, Army attachment camps, etc. Our cadets also takes part in annual training camp which is been organised by 1 Goa Bn NCC wherein our college stood at 2nd position for the annual camp held for the training year 2022-23.
Lt. Dr. Aniket Anant Kerkar
Designation: Associate NCC Officer
Rank: Lieutenant

Swatchhata Abhiyan
Swatchhata Abhiyan
Thal Sainik Camp I Directorate Level
Thal Sainik Camp I Directorate Level SUO Shantanu Shivaji Gadekar represented Belgaum Group (1 Goa bn NCC) at Thal Sainik Camp I Directorate Level at Mysore Karnataka wef 10/08/2024 to 19/08/2024.
Vanamohatsav (#ek_ped_maa_ke_naam)
Vanamohatsav (#ek_ped_maa_ke_naam) Department of Botany have organised two phases of Vanamohatsav (#ek_ped_maa_ke_naam)First phase: Vanmohatsav was celebrated in collaboration with Forest deprtment North Goa where distribution of plants waa done on 4th July...