The College library is well stocked with books related to core subjects and other disciplines. It subscribes to local and national dailies as also to Journals of repute. In addition there are also books for general readers.

    1. The Library will be open from 9 am till 4.45p.m.
    2. Identity Card is compulsory for getting access to the library
    3. Books removed from the shelves, if not required further, should be kept on the nearest table. Please do not try to shelve them yourself. Remember that a book misplaced is a book lost.
    4. Textbooks, printed materials and issued books are not allowed to be taken inside the library
    5. All bonafide students are the members of the Library. Every student will be issued one library card which entitles them for text books reference books. Every student must possess his/her Library card while making use of the Library facility. The cards issued in the First Year are valid for the Second, Third and Fourth Year levels too. Students are cautioned to make proper use of their library cards.
    6. On entering the Library, the teachers and the students are required to sign the respective Register kept for the purpose in the Library.
    7. Library cards are non-transferable and any misuse may result in the cancellation of the same.
    8. No Ex-student or an outsider will be allowed to use Library facility except with the permission of the Principal.
    9. Student on receiving the book should check the pages of the issued books, and if any pages are found missing or the book is damaged, they should report the same to the Librarian before leaving the counter. On returning the book, if any pages are found missing, damaged or mutilated, the last borrower will be held responsible and will be asked either to replace the Book/Magazine or to pay the entire cost of the book.
    10. Students are well advised to return/renew the books on time to avoid fine. If the book is not returned on or before the due date, a fine of Rs. 1/- will be charged per day for the first week, Rs2/- per day from the second week; and after one month a notice will be issued to the student, wherein the defaulter (student) will be asked to replace the same book which he/she has borrowed.
    11. In case of loss of Library card the student should inform the Librarian immediately.A duplicate card will be issued to the student on applying and paying the requisite fees. Student will not be allowed have any transaction in the Library without a valid Library card.
    12. Student is expected to fill in Demand slip for a Book which is in Circulation. If the there is more than one Demand slip for the same ok, the book will be issued on the first come first serve basis.
    13. No Transfer Certificate, Bonafide certificate, Character certificate or Leaving certificate will be issued to any student who has with him/her Library Books or dues in the form of fine. For refund of fees/deposits on leaving the College, a student has to obtain a “No Dues Certificate” from the Librarian
    14. No Library material shall be removed from Library until it’s issue has been properly recorded.
    15. The student should read and follow all the notices/rules pertainingto the Library, which will be displayed on the Library Notice Board.
    16. The Library is provided with the internet facility
    17. Students are not allowed to reserve seats, shift or remove Libraryfurniture and equipment from their original place.
    18. Students are required to handle books and all other readingmaterial very carefully and must not deface them in any manner, including by highlighting, underlining, writing or drawing in them.
    19. Strict discipline must be maintained in the Library. Student who talkloudly, behave in a rowdy manner or engage in indecent activities will be turned out of the Library. Student who is found misbehaving persistently will be debarred from entering the College Library.
    20. The Library staff reserve the right to keep students belongings of students that are left elsewhere in the library and shall not held responsible in case of loss of such belongings. Students are advised to keep their belongings at the counter which is kept at the entrance.
    21. Students are welcome to put their suggestions in the suggestion Box, placed in the Library for better Library facilities.
    22. Inorder to promote reading habits among the students, the Library committee conducts various activities like, Quiz, Essay, Word Power competitions etc. The College has also instituted for a student an award as “Best Library User” for the Academic Year.
    23. The Librarian may withhold Library services and/or facilities for any infringement of these Rules.
    24. Use of cell phone for academic purpose will require special permission from the concerned Teacher/Librarian.
    25. Refreshment (eatables) of any kind shall not be taken anywhere in the library premises.

(Mr. Pramod Kerkar)



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