Guest Lecture on “Script Writing: A practical guide with special focus on Digital Story Telling”



On 24th January 2024, Dept. of English of HPSM’s Ganpat Parsekar College of Education had the privilege of hosting a guest speaker talk on “Script Writing: A practical guide with special focus on Digital Storytelling” by Mr. Shubhankar Shah, Assistant Professor in English at Paravatibai Chowgule College, Margao- Goa. The talk aimed to provide valuable insights and knowledge to students, contributing to their academic and personal development.

Key Takeaways:

  • Participants gained insights into the structure, formatting, and storytelling techniques essential for effective scriptwriting.
  • Mr. Shah provided practical advice on adapting traditional scriptwriting principles for digital mediums, emphasizing the significance of audience engagement and narrative innovation.
  • Through real-world examples and case studies, attendees learned about successful digital storytelling strategies across various platforms, inspiring them to explore creative opportunities in their own projects.
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