Geography is a holistic and interdisciplinary field of study engaged in understanding the changing spatial structure from past to the future. It is all about how, why, and where human and natural activities occur and how these activities are interconnected. It is bridge that connects all the disciplines and aspects of the life.
Overview of the Department
The department of Geography is young and dynamic department of the collage which is growing and flourishing since the commencement B.A.B.Ed programme in the college. Over the years the department has achieved significant milestones. Geography is a compulsory subject for the first year and second year students and looking at the demand of the students six units in geography was introduced in the academic year 2021-22. The department is in a process of establishing a separate well equipped geography lab with sufficient number of maps and other geography equipment’s which are also useful for the trainee teachers as teaching aids.
From the student’s perspective the college has organised a number of state level inter collegiate events and workshops and one of the most remarkable one is Brahmand. The department has also organised interclass events to showcase the talents of the students on the occasion of celebrating national days of geographic significance. The department has also participated in inter collegiate events in the state and also across the other states and have emerged victorious. The students are given a practical life experience through field trips and study tours to different parts of the state and the country every year. The students play an active role in social awareness event by performing programs like street plays on water conservation.
The faculty and the students of the department are active in the field of research as two faculties are pursuing their PhD degrees under Goa university and Savitribai Phule Pune University. Over the year the faculty and the students have presented a number of research papers at the state, national and international conferences.
The department is committed towards the growth of the subject and expansion of the geographical knowledge through teaching, research and exploration. The department also wish to extend roots by establishing short term certificate courses in GIS and Remote sensing for the benefits of the students and teachers across the state
Mr. Sachin Chandrakant Gaonkar
Designation: Assistant Professor
Department: Geography
Qualification: MA, B.Ed, NET, SET, Pursuing PhD
Appointment: Regular
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Teaching Experience:2 Years
Subjects Taught: Spatial Analysis, Socio-Economic Survey, Fundamentals of Remote Sensing and GIS, Applications of Computer in Geography, Principles of Geomorphology, Map Analysis and Interpretation, Regional Development of India, Geography of India, Introduction to man’s physical world, Principles of regional planning (concepts and applications), Regional planning in India
Research Interest: Tribal Research, Rural Development, Eco-tourism
Research Papers Published/Presented:
15-12-2018: Spatio Temporal Characteristics of health Tourism in Goa at Aayush International Interdisciplinary ResearchJournal (ISSN 2349-638x) Impact factor 4.574
18-02-2019: Presented a research paper titled Rural and Agricultural development: A Glimpse of Adarsh Gram Netravali, Sanguem Goa at National Conference organized by Govt. College Khandola Marcela Goa & MKLM’s B.L.Amlani College of Comm and Eco. M.R. Nathwani College of Arts, Mumbai.
02-03-2019: Presented a research paper titled Rural Development of Netravali Village at Interdisciplinary National Conference organised by Govt. College Sanquelim Goa
04-10-2019: Presented a Research paper titled Water Conservation Through Watershed Management: A Case Study of Karla Quepem Goa, in one day national level student’s seminar on Jalashakti Abhiyan
19-12-2019: Presented a research paper titled Health and Morbidity Status in Goa: Some Reflections of 2016 and 2019 at the 40th International annual conference of IASP held at University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram
16-01-2020: Presented a research paper titled A Study of Public Health Care Infrastructure in Goa at the inter-disciplinary national conference organised by Govt. College Sanquelim Goa
22-02-2020: Presented a research paper titled Growth of Top 20 Metropolitan Cities in the World and Associated Challenges at International Conference organised by Dept. Of Geography, Govt. College Khandola Marcela
Extracurricular activities/hobbies: Drawing, Listening to Music, and Travelling
Address: H.No. 41, Karla Pirla Quepem Goa
Blood Group: O+
Mr. Hitesh Ramrao Dessai
Designation: Assistant Professor
Department: Geography
Qualification: MA, SET, (Pursuing Ph.D. at Pune University)
Appointment: Regular
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Teaching Experience: 4 years
Subjects Taught: Geomorphology, Climatology & Oceanography, Quantitative Technique in Geography, Economic Geography, Map Analysis and Interpretation, Remote Sensing and GIS, Cultural Geography, Agriculture Geography, Travel and Tourism Geography, Resource Geography, Fundamental of Geography, Physical Geography Practical, Practical in Geomorphology, Geography of India, Regional Planning India, TY – University Projects.
Research Interest: Hydrogeomorphology, Fluvial Geomorphology, Coastal Geomorphology, Watershed Management, Ground water Aquifers.
Research Papers Published/Presented:
” Impact of Salt Water intrusion in Coastal Aquifers ” at Young Geographer Award Compilation 2021, at Institute of Indian Geographer (IIG) in association with Department of Geography, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.
” Impact of Covid-19 on Agriculture and Tourism sector on the Coastal areas of Pernem Taluka in Goa” at IGS Annual Conference 2021 Cudected by The Indian Geographical Society (IGS) Chennai, Department of Geography University of Madras, National Webinar on Renaissance of Indian Geography: Trends and Implication.
” Changes in Goa Over Last 20 Years, A Basic Science Perspective ” at Parvatibai Chawgule College of Arts and Science- Autonomous.
” Impact of Salt Water intrusion in Coastal Aquifers ” at Young Geographer Award Compilation 2021, at Institute of Indian Geographer (IIG) in association with Department of Geography, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.
Extracurricular activities/hobbies:Listening Classical music, Hiking, Cycling, Watching Marathi Drama, Learning Different regional languages, Singing Natya Sangeet
Address: H.No 30, Brahmakarmali Valpoi Sattari Goa
Blood Group: O+
Mr. Hitesh Ramrao Dessai
Designation: Assistant Professor
Department: Geography
Qualification: MA, SET, (Pursuing Ph.D. at Pune University)
Appointment: Regular
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Teaching Experience: 4 years
Subjects Taught: Geomorphology, Climatology & Oceanography, Quantitative Technique in Geography, Economic Geography, Map Analysis and Interpretation, Remote Sensing and GIS, Cultural Geography, Agriculture Geography, Travel and Tourism Geography, Resource Geography, Fundamental of Geography, Physical Geography Practical, Practical in Geomorphology, Geography of India, Regional Planning India, TY – University Projects.
Research Interest: Hydrogeomorphology, Fluvial Geomorphology, Coastal Geomorphology, Watershed Management, Ground water Aquifers.
Research Papers Published/Presented:
” Impact of Salt Water intrusion in Coastal Aquifers ” at Young Geographer Award Compilation 2021, at Institute of Indian Geographer (IIG) in association with Department of Geography, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.
” Impact of Covid-19 on Agriculture and Tourism sector on the Coastal areas of Pernem Taluka in Goa” at IGS Annual Conference 2021 Cudected by The Indian Geographical Society (IGS) Chennai, Department of Geography University of Madras, National Webinar on Renaissance of Indian Geography: Trends and Implication.
” Changes in Goa Over Last 20 Years, A Basic Science Perspective ” at Parvatibai Chawgule College of Arts and Science- Autonomous.
” Impact of Salt Water intrusion in Coastal Aquifers ” at Young Geographer Award Compilation 2021, at Institute of Indian Geographer (IIG) in association with Department of Geography, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.
Extracurricular activities/hobbies:Listening Classical music, Hiking, Cycling, Watching Marathi Drama, Learning Different regional languages, Singing Natya Sangeet
Address: H.No 30, Brahmakarmali Valpoi Sattari Goa
Blood Group: O+
Ms. Nikita Dnyaneshwar Sawant
Designation: Assistant Professor
Department: Geography
Qualification: M.A, B.Ed
Appointment: Contractual
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Teaching Experience:2 months
Subjects Taught:
- Geography of India,
- Regional planning,
- Cartographic techniques
Research Interest:
- Regional planning,
- Watershed management
- Oceanography, Geomorphology
Research Papers Published/Presented: Nil
Books Authored: NIL
Extracurricular activities/hobbies:Drawing, painting,
Dance, Travel.
One day workshop on preparation of teaching aid for Fo.Y.B.A.B.Ed students
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