Field Visit of FYBABEd to the Historical sites of Quepem taluka



Apart from traditional lectures, study trips are a part of teaching learning process. Hence the Department of History conducted a study trip for the F.Y.B.A.B.Ed students on 4th February 2024 to Sanguem and Quepem talukas.

Chandor Nadi bull, Rivona 7th century Buddhist and Pandavas caves, pre-historic sites of Usgalimol were visited and observed by the students. Total 42 students and 3 faculty members had participated. Mr. Gouresh Velip, Ms. Zarin Khan and Ms. Mrunali Sawant explained the historical significance of the sites to the students. Objectives of the field visit were to observe the ancestral heritage of Goa as an educational centre for the preservation of History, Art, Culture and Environment as a part of syllabus, to inculcate and develop the observation skills, communication skills, leadership qualities, social behaviour, etc in the students. To help the students to correlate the classroom teaching through observation like understanding the differences between the Histories of the places. This study trip was conducted to refresh the minds of the students and to give them an opportunity to connect with the natural environment and the world beyond the classroom teaching.

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