OER Commons is a public digital library of open educational resources. Explore, create, and collaborate with educators around the world to improve curriculum.
The main objectives of DELNET is to promote resource sharing among the Member-Libraries by collecting, storing and disseminating information and by offering networked library services to users; to undertake research in the area of information science and technology, offer technical guidance to Member-Libraries; coordinate efforts for suitable collection development; facilitate and promote Inter Library Loan and delivery of documents, etc. DELNET has developed Discovery Portal, Knowledge Gainer Portal and Vision Portal (Video Lectures). The portals have sophisticated features for advance knowledge discovery. It is a simple, single window discovery layer which encourages the users to explore the networked library/knowledge resources offered through DELNET in a feature-rich environment. DELNET is a great boon for faculty, researchers, scholars, students, etc. of Member-Institutions.
National Digital Library of India (NDLI) is a virtual repository of learning resources which is not just a repository with search/browse facilities but provides a host of services for the learner community. It is sponsored and mentored by Ministry of Education, Government of India, through its National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (NMEICT)
Open integrated library system of DHE – Goa
Marathi Journal/Publication
Maharashtra Sahitya Parishad Journal
Akshara Multidisciplinary Research Journal
Official Goa Gazette
Free e-Books
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Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET)
NCERT Textbooks
This online service offers easy access to the NCERT textbooks. The service covers textbooks of all subjects published by NCERT for classes I to XII in Hindi, English and Urdu. The Entire book or individual chapters can be downloaded provided the terms of use as mentioned in the Copyright Notice is adhered on their website.
Copyright of NCERT Textbooks and terms of use
While copies of these textbooks may be downloaded and used as textbooks or for reference, republication of NCERT textbooks by any other individual or agency is strictly prohibited. No agency or individual may make electronic or print copies of these books and redistribute them in any form whatsoever. Use of these online books as a part of digital content packages or software is also strictly prohibited. No website or online service is permitted to host these online textbooks.
CIET Audio TEXT books ( Primary to Grade XII)
NCERT Laboratory Manuals
For activities and projects from Class I to XII