Awareness Campaign of Archaeological Remains in Paliem Village



The Dept of History of Sant Sohirobanath Ambiye Govt. College of Arts and Commerce, Virnoda , Pernem Goa in collaboration with Ganpat Parsekar College of Education, Harmal Pernem and Village Panchayat Paliyem Pernem Goa conducted  an awareness  programme of various Archaeological Remains  scattered in the  Paliyem village on 12th February 2024 with history students.

This programme is a community engaged activity where the villagers were made aware of the various vestiges of archaeological and historical importance found in the village, and activity was coordinated by Dr. Rohit Phalgaonkar Asst. Prof. Dept of History, Govt. College of Arts and Commerce Pernem Goa. Mr. Gouresh Velip, Incharge Dept. of History, Ms. Mrunali Sawant , Asst Prof History and Lt. Dr. Aniket Kerkar, Convenor of Social responsibility and extension Cell and other members were took part in this programme along with our 17 history students of SY BA. BEd along with history students of Sant. Sohirobanath Ambiye , Govt. College of Arts and Commerce and Sarpanch of Paliyem Village Panchayat Ms. Sneha Gawandi and all other panch members were present for the programme. Villagers provided significant information on various remains in village to all the participants and requested to take such initiatives and work together to safeguard and promote our cultural heritage for the benefit of future generations. This awareness programme ignited the spark in all the stakeholders and participants to preserve and conserve our history for generations to come and also developed skill of observation.

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