3 Days Mask Making Workshop



College art club had organised 3 days mask making workshop for the students of GPCOE, that was on 29th, 30th September and 1st October 2023. Mr. Anup Naik, visual artist from Goa was the resource person for the workshop. The workshop was designed by Mr. Pritesh naik, art club faculty member and assistant professor in Fine arts, along with the Art club incharge Dr. Durgesh Majik, assistant professor in Marathi.

This engaging event fulfilled a myriad of objectives. Firstly, it provided attendees with a platform for skill development, empowering them with new artistic abilities. The workshop also proved to be a splendid showcase of traditional craft practices, reviving the art of mask-making in a contemporary context.

Moreover, the event emphasized sustainability by encouraging participants to reuse papers, highlighting the importance of eco-friendly practices. Many students left with an entrepreneurial spirit, having learned how to turn their newfound mask-making skills into potential business opportunities. This event was a testament to creativity, tradition, sustainability, and entrepreneurial development.

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